Wool Fibers & Colors
Delos 100% Wool Rugs Are
Luxurious and Static Free
Best-in-class New Zealand wool is soft and refined. Create striking spaces with warm and inviting custom rugs that are rich in detail via designs that span modern, classic industrial, and retro.

Wool is sustainable, biodegradable, and safe to recycle and reuse. An individual sheep absorbs more than 30kg of CO2 in its wool in a lifetime, which is nearly twice its weight. Worldwide, wool stores 3 million tons of CO2 each year.

Our choice wool is hypoallergenic, inherently flame retardant, and filters harmful VOC’s such as formaldehyde from the air. Wool effectively manages moisture and humidity, thereby providing a healthier
living environment.

Fibers dye beautifully and are tufted into custom rugs that are durable and static free. New Zealand wool is sheared from sheep living in an optimal climate for shinny, bright white wool that has a long and stable length which minimizes shedding. It is grown in strict adherence to the Animal Welfare Act.
K1, R1, A4, A9, R2, C14, Q2, D14, E14, A15, B15, D15, C15, E15, E16, C16, Q7, B5, C4, A17, K7, A16, C17, Q12, Q10